Thiébaud /tebo/ ERNSTBERGER

I’m a passionate and knowledgeable software engineer who developed, through 12 years of work experience and a Masters degree in Computer Science, a deep understanding of software architecture, software development, project management and the cloud native space.
Currently, I work as a Principal Software Engineer for Walmart Global Tech, where I work as the Tech Lead for Security and Compliance on the Walmart Cloud Native Platform.

I was born and raised in France and became a US citizen in 2018.


Principal Software Engineer & Tech Lead

Walmart Labs · San Diego, CA

Cloud Native Security and Compliance team lead on Walmart's Cloud Native Platform for edge, public & private clouds. I design solutions around Kubernetes, Istio, Vault, Flagger, Consul-template, Helm & Prometheus mostly in Golang. Our platform helps development teams adhere advanced CI/CD processes, go multi-cloud & global using the latest technologies in the industry.

Some accomplishments include:
  • Maintained the quarterly and yearly technical roadmap for Cloud Native security & Compliance
  • Led the implementation of secret consumption on WCNP (using HashiCorp Vault) and an abstraction layer provided to Walmart engineers with different solutions to solve the Cloud and Edge use cases.
  • Co-led the implementation of Canary deployment and its abstraction layer including open source contribution
  • Designed auto-provisioning of Walmart signed certificates for application's ingress
  • Actively working with auditors and compliance experts on SOX & HIPAA
  • Currently leading the wider effort for PCI compliance
  • Implemented cluster level Policy enforcement via OPA
  • Helped solve different aspects of cluster multi-tenancy
  • Developed multiple Kubernetes admission web-hooks & operators
  • Mentored WCNP engineers and ensured their professional development
Oct 2021 - Present

Company website

Golang and more
Walmart Cloud Native Platform
Security & Developer experience
Kubernetes, Istio, Vault, Helm, Prometheus, OPA
GitOps, Multi-cloud & Multi-tenancy
Cloud native SOX, HIPAA & PCI compliance

Staff Software Engineer & Tech Lead

Walmart Labs · San Diego, CA

Started as Staff Software Engineer on Walmart's Cloud Native Platform (WCNP), mainly focused on cross-squad initiatives. In February 2020, I became the Technical Lead for Cloud Native Security & Compliance on WCNP.

Feb 2019 - Oct 2021

Company website

Golang and more
Walmart Cloud Native Platform
Security & Developer experience
Kubernetes, Istio, Vault, Helm, Prometheus, OPA
GitOps, Multi-cloud & Multi-tenancy
Cloud native SOX, HIPAA & PCI compliance

Lead Software Engineer

Freedom Financial Network · Tempe, AZ

As a lead engineer I’m responsible for the architecture of a micro service ecosystem for the Freedom Debt Relief program. I work closely with Product in order to identify Business needs and design scalable solutions.
I’m also the technical lead of the company move to a new Content Storage System. For this project I evaluated and wrote POCs for 3 solutions (Box, Google Cloud Storage and Metastor). I then presented my findings and recommendation to the leadership team. The project also included the migration of 20+ million files, designing an abstraction layer along with a set of embeddable widgets for agents, and creating a high volume ingestion process for automated uploads.
I also actively participate in the recruiting effort for all engineering positions as well as representing the company at job fairs and conferences (Google Next, HackerX, HackerNest...)

July 2016 - Feb 2019

Company website

Golang, PHP
OpenID Connect & OAuth 2
SQL, NoSQL, Pub/Sub
Swagger, OpenAPI
Kubernetes, Docker

Lead Software Engineer

Acenda · San Diego, CA

During my time at Acenda I designed the architecture of an e-commerce platform. The heart of Acenda is a powerful, highly scalable Rest API where stores, plugins and admin interfaces can manage customers, products, orders and more.
My role was to participate in planning, demo and scrum meetings in order to organize Acenda’s roadmap. I have also worked on all aspects of the software from an architecture allowing users to download and manage themes and styles for their stores, to ensure the best response times for search queries using Elasticsearch.
For my last project I led the design and development of a plugin platform allowing stores to integrate with many different platforms such as Amazon, Walmart and Shipstation.

August 2014 - July 2016

Company website

PHP, JavaScript, AngularJS
Elasticsearch, Gearman

Senior Software Engineer

Media Universal · San Diego, CA

Media Universal was a marketing company focused on email campaigns. My addition to the team allowed the company to expand to social media marketing. In just a few months I was able to triple the conversion rate of most email campaigns. I also designed and participated in the development of a Facebook Ad Management Software. This application had many automated processes that would help any employee manage many campaigns and funnels.

May 2013 - July 2014

Company closed down

Software Engineer

MorningCroissant · Paris, France

While working for MorningCroissant I had the opportunity to work on a platform that participated to the travel revolution led by AirBnB. Comparably to its competitor, offers an alternative to paying for hotels. I started by upgrading their customer facing website, by adding some core features:

  • A messaging system so users can commnunicate directly on the platform
  • Log-in with Facebook
  • Highly dynamic landing pages allowing for A/B testing and where user interactions are tracked.
I then worked on two bigger integrations, the first one was a customer service platform and the second one was interfacing our backend with other property management platforms.
As part of my daily responsibilities, I participated in updating the Product Roadmap and mentored interns and younger developers.

September 2012 – April 2013

Company website

Software Engineer

DCNS · Lorient, France

During my short time at DCNS, I developed an internal application for the "Quality Inspector" service. This service is in charge of Quality Insurance for vendors' orders across France. I wrote the specifications with the client and managed the software development until the final release. The application was written in .NET.

Web Developer

Independent Contractor · Nantes, France

Working as an Independent Contractor was my primary source of revenue during graduate school. Even today, I still ocasionnaly work on some projects.

2008 - 2013

Company website

Web Developer

No Work Tech · Lorient, France

No Work Tech was an internet cafe that offered web development services.


Company closed down


Epitech - Paris, France

Master's & Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

Epitech has arguably the best Computer Science program in France. Students work on 50 to 70 real practical applications throughout each of the first 3 years.

Projects were in: C, C++, PHP/JavaScript, Java, ASM & SQL

Some relevant projects

  • Study of design patterns
  • Development of a Unix Shell and Ray tracing software in C
  • Development of a video game (R-type copycat) in C++
  • Development of a path finding algorithm based on A* with sampled dynamic weighting
August 2008 - May 2013

More information

California State University of San Marcos

American Language & Culture Institute

Some relevant projects

  • Study of algorithms - projects were in C++ (CS 311 and more)
  • Writing, oral and conversation training with the ALCI program.
  • Received the acknowledgement of “Outstanding Student”
January 2012 - August 2012

More information


Programming Languages, Tools & Integrations
  • Golang, Javascript, PHP, C, C++
  • Kubernetes, Istio, Helm, Prometheus, K8s validating webhook, K8s CRD, OPA
  • Symfony 4, Laravel, AngularJS, RoR, Yii Framework,
  • CI / CD, Docker, Swagger & Open API, OKTA / OAUTH 2, Pub/Sub / AMQP, Gearman, SQL/NoSQL, Elasticsearch, Google Cloud Storage, Google Cloud Datastore
  • Box, Google Cloud, Experian, Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Shipstation, Paypal, Stripe and more


Apart from being a software engineer, I enjoy cooking and going on hikes with my wonderful wife. I have a passion for folk & indie music and love looking for the best restaurants in town.

I also like to watch european soccer (Permier league & La liga) and the NBA.

When not doing any of the above I spend a large amount of my free time perfecting my craft.

Americanized flammekueche
Surf session in San Diego
Eaux Claires music festival

Alsatian Crêpe Recipe

Let's get right to it, for this recipe you'll need: 4 1/4 cups of milk 4 cups of all-purpose flour 2 Tablespoons of sugar 8 eggs A splash of vanilla extract A splash of calvados brandy (Any sweet liquor will work: rhum, salted caramel liquor...)


Please contact me via email:

Gopher mic drop